Day Eleven
I bet you didn't know that in addition to writing about food, I also write about skin care. In fact, writing about skin care, formulating DIY recipes, designing kits, and marketing ingredients is what I do for a living. It's not a bad gig, and the best part is that I get to do it all from my home. That allows me to make my own hours, giving me plenty of flexibility so that I can focus on all the things I love, like cooking, playing music, and making funny little mustaches.
I've worked for From Nature With Love, a family owned skin care and soap making ingredient supplier for many years. During my time with the company I have done anything and everything from running their warehouse to working in their bulk divisions sales departments. Long before I began working on their blog I was melting cocoa butter, packing boxes, answering telephones, and tagging along at trade shows. It was only after I made a commitment to myself to start working creatively full time that I found my true niche in the company.
So, in August 2007, I began working from home as a natural skin care blogger under the pen name, Emmy. I'd been formulating recipes on my own for years, and working hands-on with the ingredients had given me a deep familiarity with them. I studied, and wrote, and experimented every day, and over four years later I can say with confidence that I have become an expert on the topic of natural and handmade skin care. I can "cook" up just about anything from my kitchen, (and lecture you on the benefits of whatever ingredients I'm using while I'm at it). Along the way I became a better writer, and a much more advanced photographer. I've learned the ins and outs of social networking, and I even taught myself to use Adobe design programs.
Bath Tub Whoopie Pies I have a habit of creating food related skin care recipes. Coincidence?
So my time during the day is well spent, sharpening skills that I use to pursue my passions, and providing me with a constant creative outlet. These days it is lucky enough just to have a steady job. Having one you actually enjoy? That's worth some extra gratitude.