When life hands you meyer lemons, infuse them with sugared pears, and add water. This handmade pear Meyer lemonade is green and refreshing, hinting at the coming Spring. It can also be enjoyed warm with a touch of spice.
Pear Meyer Lemonade
- 3 cups water
- 1/2 cup turbinado sugar
- 2 pears, cored & diced
- 1 cup meyer lemon juice
- 1 cup boiled water
- Combine the pears, sugar and 1/2 cup lemon juice in a food processor. Blend into a smooth puree.
- Push the mixture through a fine mesh strainer, reserving both the solid and liquid portions separately.
- Combine the solid portion with 1 cup of boiled water. Allow the mixture to steep until it cools, then push it through a fine mesh strainer one more time. Discard the solids.
- Combine the liquid portion with the other liquids and three cups of cold water.
- Mix well and serve cold, over ice.
- Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint or basil.
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*Try heating this drink over the stove with a stick of cinnamon or a slice of ginger in the pan. It’s just the thing to warm you up on a chilly day.
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