I have begun collecting baby things. I wouldn't let myself buy or gather anything during the first trimester, mostly out of superstition. Now that I've been let loose, I'm not going crazy or anything, but I am keeping my eyes out.
Today, Babe-leo's first gift, from me to him/her, arrived in the mail. I found this really pretty driftwood mobile on Etsy while building my registry, and I decided to celebrate the second trimester by getting Babe-leo a little gifty, the nursery's very first decoration, and a lovely symbol of simple beauty.
I've decided to dress up the nursery in a seafaring / world traveling theme. I started a quilt and matching crib bumpers with a hodge podge of scrap fabrics from my stash. There are polka dots, octopi, crushed velvet, and dusty calicos. It's not your classic nautical theme, but to me, it says pirate ship all the way. I bought a few yards of green and yellow fishy fabric from the local quilt shop to line the inside and back the quilt. I'd say it's coming together quite nicely. Mr. Pickles obviously agrees.
I've also been collecting books. The library has been my dear friend lately, and I've found a lot of value from taking whatever pregnancy and parenting books I find on the shelf home with me. There are a whole lot of attitudes and approaches out there. My plan is to check out whatever I can and to keep the things that strike a chord in my pocket for later.
In addition to my random library finds, I invested in a few used copies of titles that weren't available through the Austin Public Library. Somewhere someone was laughing when I ordered Dharma Family Treasures, Babywearing
, and The Diaper-Free Baby
last week. Let them laugh, I say. Once upon a time I lived in a country full of mamas wearing diaperless Bhuddist babies. Those free and breezy baby butts were burned into my memory. Ever since Beijing I have been plotting to go diaper free.
Here at home they call it Elimination Communication, and it has turned out to be one of the more notorious Brooklyn hipster parenting schemes. Ah well, I'm not too concerned with whether or not it's cool. I'm just into the idea of a housebroken baby (and naked baby bottoms). Of course, I could totally fail at the whole thing and end up in diapers anyway. You never know. We'll just have to wait and see how Babe-leo likes the idea. In the meantime, I have a book in hand and a newborn potty chair on the way. (I didn't dare register for anything that weird. I don't want to scare my friends and family too much. )