It's just about that time. At 34 weeks we're in that zone where the baby is unlikely to come, but technically could. In two more weeks we'll be at full-term, when things get really real. All those little things that need to be done before Bableo arrives now have a ticking clock behind them. We have to find a pediatrician, finish painting the nursery, finalize help and arrangements with our family, and rustle up the last little things that we need for delivery day.
One thing that we've successfully tackled this week is our baby bag. Scott Bobleo has been calling it our Baby Bug-Out Bag. Armed with a list of necessities from the birthing center, we've packed it well. Want to see what's inside?
Baby Stuff: A few newborn hats, socks and mittens, three recieving blankets, and a handful of onesies and sleepers. I know this should be obvious, but it still blows my mind that soon there will be a baby inside these clothes. What?!
Clothes for us: I've been told over and over again that I will probably just want to labor naked, but just in case, I bought myself a simple Labor Gown. It's that crazy looking thing on the right side. It's basically a jersey dress with a big hole in the front to make my belly easy to access. I also included a Sleep Bra
, which will preserve my modesty (should I care about that) while laboring in the tub.
Speaking of the tub, I added a pair of trunks for Scott in case he wants to get in there with me. He doesn't think that's likely to happen, but you never know. At least I'm not asking him to climb in naked. There are a few pairs of undies for when the party is over, and I also packed a cotton robe which I forgot to show here – in case I get chilly at some point before or after.
Other Essentials: I picked up a new toothbrush and some travel sized toothpaste so I don't have to remember to pack it when the time comes. The birthing center also suggests shampoo and conditioner. Since I'm a No-Poo chick, I may or may not remember to pack my baking soda and vinegar on the big day. We'll see.
We're bringing disposable diapers to the birth. We plan on using cloth diapers and elimination communication after the first few weeks, but as someone who has seen meconium first-hand, that instense black tar poop that babies expel in their first few days, I'm not in a hurry to clog up the cloth operation before we even get started.
The other pads there are for me. For the scary after-stuff… the healing time… eek. Don't ask me why that freaks me out. Bleeding for a few weeks shouldn't scare me more than giving birth, but then fear is hardly ever logical is it?
Non-Essentials: We're bringing the good camera, and an ipod or iphone full of inspirational music and relaxing music to help get us through different stages of the labor. We are also considering bringing Scott's guitar. It might be a totally stupid and/or crazy idea, but listening to Scott play has a really calming effect on me, and I'm wondering if singing along might give me something to focus on in between contractions. Again, we'll just have to wait and see what works and what doesn't.
We still need to stock the bag with a few other things, namely power snacks and drinks for the big day. I'm thinking coconut water and oatmeal cookies. I'm also gonna stick some jammy pants and big t-shirt in there for my homecoming. I am thinking I will probably want clean clothes at that point, and I'll want them to be comfy.
What did you have in your baby bug-out bag?