Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links that help support Mary Makes Good and mentions a product that I was given samples of for free.
We spent last weekend doing one of my favorite things – throwing a party! Our friends Keeley and Kirk are having a baby and we couldn't be happier for them. To celebrate we threw a little Jack n Jill shindig which involved a crawfish boil, tattoo themed baby shower goodies, and a Frito Pie buffet. Needless to say it was pretty rockin' for a baby shower. I'll be sharing a whole post on the party sometime soon.
By the way, a friend of mine who works at a certain mega-chain health food grocery store told me that his customers are going bananas over the arrival of an Organic Fritos-style corn chip. This made me chuckle. Texans are very serious about their Frito Pie – even the more health conscious among us. If you are GMO-phobic, you'll be happy to know that Frito alternatives like Sage Valley Organic Corn Chips and Trader Joe's Organic Corn Chip Dippers
are out there for your crunching pleasure.
Speaking of food projects, I just received sample swatches from my latest fabric design from Spoonflower. These pizza prints are the first in a new series of food illustration designs that I have in the works. If I can manage it I plan to make CC a pair of pizza pants for his first birthday party which is just a little over a month away. Eeek! How did my baby get to be a year old already?! By the way, you can order your my pizza fabric for your own projects through my Spoonflower shop.
I have a new favorite Instagram feed. Check out @kidsaretheworst for hilarious parent-submitted pictures of kids doing what they do best – blowing our minds with epic jerk moves. The photos are classic and the captions have me snorting and chuckling to myself like a Grade-A wackadoodle. Good stuff.
The folks at NatureZWay sent me some free samples of their reusable bamboo towels to check out. The drying towels are pretty amazing. I've been keeping one next to my drying rack and I must say it dries dishes off in a freaking jiffy. They also sent some re-usable paper towels which are pretty neat, but didn't really work for us. They would be great for folks who are looking for an inexpensive way to bulk up their re-usable kitchen linen collection. Personally I just prefer to use plain old cotton kitchen towels (which I can throw in my washing machine) for my everyday cleanup. My chief complaint is that everyone kept throwing my bamboo towels away! Since they look like paper towels my friends and family are constantly tossing them in the trash when they lend a hand cleaning up. The re-usable paper towels also need to be hand washed and air-dried which is a pain. Again, they are probably a better fit for a different household – maybe one better organized than mine!
We've been doing some work outside the house lately – or I should say Scott Bobleo has been. I've mostly just been watching from the window and supplying drinks. Scott tore down our old deck and built us a brand new one – from scratch! It's big, sturdy, and beautiful – kinda like Scott. We are planning to stain it some weekend soon and install a sail shade and outdoor mister fan by the time Summer hits. We have some planting to do as well. The City of Austin dropped off three new trees for our yard, a fig, an eve's necklace, and a mountain laurel. These little beauties were totally free through the NeighborWoods program!